Strawberry Season: Jam Making
It's that time of year the sun is shining and the fields are overflowing with Strawberries. Perhaps you managed to grab some at the farmer's market this weekend (man those babies go fast!) or maybe you've decided to make a trip to a local U-pick farm, either way, what do you do with all of those berries once you've gotten them home? That is if you haven't eaten them all during the car ride. The answer? Make jam of course! This will be a basic overview of how water bath canning works and how we make our stash of delicious jam for the winter. Please visit The National Center for Home Food Preservation and The Ball/Kerr Website to get acquainted with canning from a more scientific standpoint. There are also many others out there who teach about food preservation. Locally classes are often held at the Ithaca Cornell Cooperative Extension and Marisa at the blog Food In Jars is seri...